Preliminary program

View the preliminary program here:

 From 6 pm  Registration at start location: The Social Hub, Wibautstraat 129
 6.50 pm  Opening with warm-up
 7 pm  Start (in different waves)
From 7.40 pm  Buffet, announcement of challenge winners and after party!

Mainstage Partner:

The Social Hub

Start number

All participants will receive a personalized start number. If you complete your registration by Feb. 03, it will include your name and team name. Wearing the start number is mandatory. It is important that your start number is pinned on the chest, that the number is not covered under clothing and that the start number is not folded. For the photos, it’s most fun if your (team) name is clearly visible!


Challenges & prizes

The passage through the buildings are real challenges. But we challenge you and your team extra because we have extra challenges for you on the route!

You pass the challenges 3x (running) or 1x (walking). So choose yourself in which round(s) you participate in the challenge. To have a chance to win the prizes you must participate in at least 1x challenge. More often is always allowed.

Weather forecast

Keep an eye on the weather reports over the next few days and be sure to adjust your sportswear accordingly.


Adhere to traffic rules (i.e. stop at red lights) and follow directions from traffic controllers at all times.


There is a first aid post in VROG Also, 2 mobile first aiders are cycling on the route.

No game:

You participate in the Knowledge Trail for fun and to discover beautiful unique places on the Knowledge Mile. It is not a race! Your time will not be measured and there will be no (time) results..


Is it crowded at a challenge? Then feel free to join the 2nd or 3rd round.


Houd de weersberichten in de gaten de komende dagen en zorg dat je je sportkleding daarop aangepast.


Houd je aan de verkeersregels (dus bij rood stoppen voor het stoplicht) en volg te allen tijde aanwijzingen van de verkeersregelaars op.


Er is een EHBO post bij de startlocatie, The Social Hub. Ook fietsen er 2 mobiele EHBO-ers op de route.

Geen wedstrijd:

Aan de Knowledge Trail doe je mee voor de lol en om mooie unieke plekken op de Knowledge Mile te ontdekken. Het is geen wedstrijd! Jouw tijd wordt niet opgemeten en er wordt geen (tijd)uitslag opgemaakt.


Is het druk bij een challenge? Doe dan gerust de 2e of 3e ronde mee

Sign up!

Would you like to register for the Knowledge Trail 2024? Secure yourself a spot!

Sign up